Lunes, Agosto 13, 2012

Fatherly Love

Just saw this in my Bestfriend's wall. A message from his father who is working abroad. It's totally worth reading. :)

Happy 19th Birthday Nonoy
Always be thankful. It isn’t what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart. Be thankful for what you have, and you’ll end up having more! Always have a heart of gratitude
Let go of anger. Anger is most of the time pretty pointless that can cause situations to go out of hand. It is hurtful most of the time to the one who is angry t
han to the one the anger is thrown at.
Keep your focus on what you want. What you focus on greatly determines who you will become.
Do the things you love to do. Find your passion and pursue it with persistence and determination. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did so. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Life isn’t a competition! It’s a journey. Learn to enjoy your journey. Lighten up and have fun. Make it a journey of happiness,. Make it a journey of love.
Life at times is not fair. It can be cruel at times. There will be times when you will have disappointments instead of successes. Life won’t always turn out the way you want. But instead of letting unfairness to get you down, keep pushing on. Learn to persevere, Learn to turn negatives into positives
The battlefield is in the mind. Always win the battle in your mind. For all you know, your limitations may just be in your mind.
Read more books than what you did last year.
Harness your skills and talents. Make a journey of constant learning and continuous improvement. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
Be environment-friendly. Plant a tree. Don’t use too much aircon in your room… Put off the aircon of the car and the engine of the car when you’re waiting for a long time for your mom and sisters finish their shopping and their other errands… you know the girls…
Be open-minded. Be open to new things, new ideas, new technologies, new experiences, new people… I don’t have to add gizmos and other techies, you’re into it already.
Failure is a stepping stone to success. Never allow failure to stop you from trying.
Always walk in love. Be beyond offense. This is a life’s lesson that both me and your mom learned.
Don’t burn bridges… always build and preserve relationships.
Chase after God. Always seek His will for your life and you’ll never go wrong!
Love, protect and care for your mom and sisters with the love and devotion they have given you.
Finally, I love you and always will. Your mom and I will always be there for you and your brother and sisters as long as we can.

Happy birthday to you my dear son! The best is yet to come… (More lists and pointers, too!)

May God continue to bless you and grant the desires of your heart as you continue to chase after His heart and seek His face!


Martes, Hulyo 24, 2012


A credit instrument is a written instrument or evidence of the existence and nature of a credit contract. It is evidence of an obligation or a claim.

1. It is a written evidence of the existence of an obligation on the part of the debtor, or a claim on the part of the creditor.
2. It shows the degree of risk that confronts the creditor with respect too the collection of the debt.
3. It shows the nature of the debtor-creditor relationship.

1. Written documents make claims enforceable. The credit instrument enables the creditor to hold the host instrument to collect from his debtor. The debtor on the other hand is protected of his rights with respect to the amount of the obligation, interest and maturity date.
2. Credit instruments facilitate exchange transactions. To increase volume production, producer's farmers, manufacture and merchants avail themselves credit both use of the proper credit instrument.
3. Credit instrument minimize disputes among the contracting parties. Such instruments define the extent of the obligations and claims of debtors and creditors. Once both parties are bound by the same instruments, future disputes are avoided.
4. Credit instrument facilitates production and consumption. Stocks and bonds certificates issued  by corporations that are engaged in production activities. Consumers avail themselves of the use of book accounts, installment and checks to fulfill their instrument.

NEGOTIATION - refers to the art of transferring a negotiable credit instrument from one person to another in such a way as to constitute the transferee the holder of the instrument.

HOLDER OF DUE COURSE - is the payee or endorsee of a bill of exchange or note who is in possession of that instrument of bearer thereof.

NEGOTIABILITY - is the quality possessed by a credit instrument of value that permits legal title to it, to be transferred to one person to another by mere delivery or endorsement.
The requisites are:
1. It must be in writing.
2. It must be signed by the maker or drawer.
3. It must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a sum certain in money.
4. It must be payable on demand or at a fixed determinable time.
5. It must be payable to order or bearer.
6. Where the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he must be named therein or indicated with reasonable certainty.

ENDORSEMENT - is the signing usually at the back of a negotiable instrument in order to guarantee or establish transfer of legal title over property right.
1. Blank endorsement is the signing of the instrument without specifying the evidence.
2. Special endorsement is one where the endorser specifies the person to whom or to whose order the instrument is to be payable.
3. Restrictive endorsement is one where the transfer of the possession of an instrument is for a certain purpose such as:
     a. To prohibit further negotiation of the instrument
     b. To constitute the endorsee to be the agent of the endorser
     c. To vest the title in the endorsee in trust for or to the use of some other persons
4. Qualified endorsement is one that limits or qualifies the liability of the endorser, and is affected by writing the words "without recourse" or "at the risk of the endorser".
5. Unconditional endorsement is one where the payment of the instrument depends on the happening of condition specified on the instrument.

PRESENTMENT - is the act of offering at the proper time and place a note, a bill of exchange or the like for acceptance, payment or discharge of liability on any credit instrument.

DISHONOR - refers to the non-payment or non-acceptance of the credit instrument by the party on whom it is drawn.

PROTEST - is the file in writing if upon presentment, a credit instrument is dishonored.

ACCEPTANCE-SUPRA PROTEST - refers to an agreement to pay a protested note, draft or any other credit instrument by a person other than the debtor.

ACCOMMODATION PHASE -  refers to a promissory note that has been endorsed by one or more persons in order that one who originally made that the note may obtain credit at a financial institution, usually a bank.

PAYABLE TO BEARER - whom the instrument does not specify a person to whom payment is to be made or whom it is payable to CASH, any bearer of the instrument is entitled to receive payment thereof.

A. As Acceptability (general/limited)
     1. Credit instruments of limited acceptability are those whose acceptance will depend on the credit standing of the issuer or maker.
     2. Credit instruments of general acceptability are those that pass from hand to hand without question as to their source and which, in effect possess the characteristics of money.

B. As to Form
     1. Promise to pay contains the promise of one person to pay another a certain sum of money on demand or at a future determinable time.
     2. Order to pay is the order of one person to a second person to pay a third person a certain sum of money on demand or a future determinable time.

C. As to Function
     1. Credit money emphasis its use as a medium of exchange.
     2. Commercial credit instruments emphasis those used to facilitate to the use of credit in short-term commercial pursuits.
     3. Investment credit instruments involve those used for long-term credit.

     1. Open Book Account - gives the implied verbal promise of the debtor when he buys consumable goods on credit. The creditor enters this ledger to show the existence of the credit transaction.

     a. It is convenient.
     b. It is simple.
     c. The absence of legal evidence is an advantage to the debtor for he gives no written evidence for his debt, and stimulates sales on the part of the creditor.
     d. It may lead to prompt payments because debtors may take advantage of cash discounts granted by the creditors.

     a. It may lead to disputes and misunderstanding.
     b. Payment is dependent on the debtor's voluntary action.
     c. Since there is no written evidence the essentials of negotiability are lacking in this type credit instrument.

     2. Promissory note is an unconditional written promise of the maker to pay the bearer or order a ceratin sum of money of at a future determinable time.

     a. There is a tangible proof of the existence of the debt.
     b. There is fixed time for payment.
     c. Prompt payment can be expected rather than at the whim of the debtor.
     d. It commands a higher as an asset especially for seeking, financial assistance.
     e. It gives no opportunity to dispute the quality of goods purchased upon credit.

     a. The inflexibility of the promissory note and its convenience of the part of the debtor has limited its use.
     b. The debtor has no choice on whether to take advantage of cash discounts or not.

     3. Collateral Promissory Note. In Similar to the ordinary promissory note but a collateral promissory note is described on its face or on a separate document. It is more secure than an ordinary promissory note in that there is some property held on deposit to assure payment of the debt.

     a. It contains the borrower's unconditional promise to pay the amount of the loan to the order of the lender at maturity.
     b. The description of the collateral pledge is written on its face or on a separate document.
     c. It contains a provision that the holder of the note has a lien to the extent of the borrower's liability on all securities and funds of the latter which are under the control of the holder of the note.
     d. It may provide that upon default of payment of the note and all other liabilities will become due and payable without demand or notice, thus giving the holder the right to dispose of the collateral.
     e. The holder is also given the right to transfer the note and pledge the collateral without the notice to the borrower.
     f. It may contain the provision, which would require the borrower to submit the additional collateral in case the value of that is already held by the creditor declines.

     4. Collateral Letter of Credit. It is a written promise on the part of the bank to other drafts against in or for its account, by a specified beneficiary or his order, under the specifications contained thereon.

1. The maximum amount covered on it.
2. The length of time it will be in force that usually takes into account the period of shipment and the drawing of the drafts.
3. The documents that must be attached as well as the disposal of these so that payment may be made.
4. The quantity and quality of the merchandise to be shipped.
5. The instructions on how the drafts are to be drawn.

          I. According to the method of transmission:
                a. Circular. A letter of credit is termed circular when the opening bank issues a letter addressed generally to person or companies indicating its intention to honor the drafts of the beneficiary under the terms specified therein.
                b. Specifically Advised. On the other hand, when the opening bank notifies the beneficiary directly or through a notifying bank (usually a correspondent bank), the letter of credit is known specially advised.

         II. According to the duration of the substitution of credit:
                a. Revocable. Whenever the bank reserves the right to withdraw or modify the credit substantial for the buyer by such phrases as "good until cancelled" or "good until..."
                b. Irrevocable. When the bank waives its right to cancel the credit or revoke the same prior to the date specified. It has a binding effect since it cannot be revoked as long as the exporter fulfills his part of the conditions specified in the letter of credit.

        III. According to obligations assumed by the bank:
                a. Confirmed. When the notifying or advising bank, bank upon instructions of the opening bank, assumes the obligation to perform the undertaking stipulated in the letter of credit.
                b. Unconfirmed. When the advertising bank does not assume any other obligation except that of notifying the beneficiary.

       IV. According to the method of reimbursement:
                a. Simple. When the opening bank carries an account in the currency to paid with the paying bank, the reimbursement is simply done by book entries including service charge.
                b. Reimbursement. When the paying bank prefers to receives the reimbursement by draft, or when the two banks have no inter-bank accounts.

       V. According to the method of payment:
                a. Negotiation. If it is a circular letter of credit, payment is termed as negotiation.
                b. Straight. If it is specially advised.
                c. Sight. If payments are to be made with sight or demand drafts.
                d. Acceptance. If payments are to be effected with the time drafts are paid in the currency of the seller.
                e. Foreign currency. If the payment should be made in foreign currency, whether that of the buyer's or not.

     The orders to pay used in the commercial activities may come in the form of checks, drafts, or acceptances.

A. Checks - Generally, it is an order of a depositor to his bank to pay a certain amount of money to a third party of himself on demand.

Types of Checks
1. Personal Check - sometimes known as a business check, and has the same definition as the check in general.
2. Cashier's/Manager's/Treasurer's - is one drawn by the cashier or treasurer or manager of the bank upon itself in favor of a third person.
3. Certified check - to enhance its acceptability, as the owner's credit worthiness may be doubted, the bank's certification is required by the recipient of the check. The check is then brought to the bank and the  authorized representative, after checking the depositor's ledger, writes/stamps the word "CERTIFIED" followed by his signature and date of certification across the face of the check.
4. Traveler's check - used by the traveler's. Its form is different in that it comes in convenient sizes and denominations in dollar.
5. Crossed check - such check has to be deposited to the account of the payee in his bank. It may easily be recognized and distinguished by the presence of the two parallel lines appearing in the upper left hand corner of the check.
6. Post-dated-check - one issued by the drawer showing future date.
7. State check - one which has not been cashed six months after the date of issue.
8. Rubber or bouncing check - when the check is returned to the drawer.
9. Cancelled check - when the depositor's checks are finally cleared and paid by his bank.

Advantages of checks
1. A check facilitates payments since exact amounts can be written on it face. Thus, there is no need of splitting money into different denominations, large or small. Therefore, it is convenient medium of exchange.
2. The check serves as a receipt for payment.
3. The check is more portable than even money itself.
4. It is safer to use on certain occasions.
5. Payment can be recalled if necessary. Because of the stop payment order, one can recall or cancel payment if he is not satisfied the merchandise or if delivery is delayed.
6. The use of checks affords the owner bank accommodations, such as facilitating payment of out-of-town checks or perhaps the facility of getting a loan.

            Checks owners must necessarily be very careful in issuing or handling their checks. Failure too do so cause either embarrassment of their part or loss of money. If one is not careful in keeping the stabs up-to-date, he might issue a bouncing check. The signature on the checks can also be forged or alterations can be made as to amount, date and payee.

B. DRAFTS - are orders to pay and are likewise drawn against a drawee to pay a third person a certain sum of money on demand or at a fixed determinable time.

1. Money Order - may either be a bank order or a postal money order. When the order is drawn by a bank on another bank or the branch to pay a specified payee, then it is a bank money order. When the order is from one post office to another, then it is a postal money order.
2. Bank Draft - is an order to pay when the bank orders another bank or the depositor to his bank to pay a third person a definite sum of money, payable on demand or at a future determinable time.
3. Trade or Commercial Draft - used by merchants and may also be a demand or time draft.
4. Sight or Demand Draft - when the order to pay is payable at sight upon presentation.
5. Time Draft - when the order to pay sets a definite determinable future time of payment.

C. ACCEPTANCE - an acceptance is originally an order to pay. It is a time draft. To make sure of its payment at maturity, the draft is presented for acceptance to the drawee. If the drawee accepts, he becomes liable for the draft and in effect assumes the burden of payment at maturity.

1. Trade Acceptance - arise when the purchaser or importer of the goods accepts his obligations to the seller or exporter by writing the word "accepted" on the face of the draft.
2. Banker's Acceptance - when the order to pay is presented to a bank for its acceptance and the bank accepts the terms thereon, the bank's representative stamps the word "accepted" on the face of the draft.

Advantages of drafts and acceptances
      Since these are written instruments. They likewise provide evidence of the existence of debt. A draft in bank usage also has the advantages of the check. A commercial draft is advantageous because it serves as a collection device. In foreign trade the use of drafts serves to facilitate and thus enhances the flow of goods from one country to another. Acceptance for their part, have the advantages of both orders to pay and promise to pay.

      In the case of acceptances, there is a danger of overtrading. It can also lead to lax credit investigation, for the seller will largely depend on the purchaser's promise to pay.

Biyernes, Disyembre 16, 2011


After this post, i hope that i would be active to update once in a while. Lol.

There would be no other reason to write except for being inspired.
To be happy is to find peace within.

You cannot say you're free when you can do anything you want, to experience freedom is to have happiness inside the rules and obligations. Oneself cannot really enjoy freedom if she/he is threatened by the things surrounded outside the wall.
Live, laugh, love. 

Lunes, Oktubre 17, 2011


Mula sa panulat ni Melchor S. Dapanas Jr.

            Isang araw nang magising sa lakas ng alarma ng kampo nila, nagmadali at nag ayos na ng pang yuniporme si Gab. Habang naka pila sa kanyang linya, naalala nya ang kanyang buhay bago makapasok sa militar.
            Bumalik sa kanyang alaala noong hinatulan sya ng panghabang-buhay na pagkabilanggo sa salang pagtangkang pumatay ng tao. Labis ang lungkot ang nadama nya lalo na ang kanyang ina na may hawak-hawak pang rosaryo habang taos pusong nagdarasal. Bigla na lamang pumatak ang luha ng kanyang ina ang marinig ang sentensya ng anak. Mahal na mahal nila ang isa’t isa, subalit ang kanyang ama ay malupit at walang awa. Hirap na hirap si Gab sa pakikitungo sa kanyang ama dahil palagi sila nitong sinasaktan. Kaya lamang nila natitiis na makisama ay dahil sa nasusustentuhan nito ang kanilang mga pangangailangan lalo na ang pag aaral nya.

            Subalit isang gabi, isang linggo matapos ang graduation ni Gab na pagod na pagod galling sa paghahanap ng trabaho ay nadatnan nya ang kanyang Ama na sinasaktan ang kanyang Ina.

BADONG:      Wala kang kwenta! Puro na lang satsat ng satsat. Manahimik ka nga                          @$%^&. (Sinuntok nito si Anita sa tyan)
ANITA :           Ugh, parang awa mo na. Tama na Badong tama na. (Sambit ni nya habang  nakahandusay, umiiyak.)

            Nang makita nya ito ay dali daling pumasok at niyakap ang kanyang ina at umiyak. Nandilim ang paningin ni Gab at tinulak nya ang kanyang ama sa pintuan.

GAB:               Tama na!
BADONG:      Aba! Ang kapal mong makatulak sakin. Bakit? Papalag ka na ba ha? Di porket nakatapos ka na eh siga sigaan kana ditto sa bahay na to, baka nakakalimutan mo ako nagpaaral sayong bata ka.

GAB:               Oo nga ikaw nga ang nagpaaral sakin, pero sa bawat araw na nilagi ko sa bahay na to, pinagpaguran ko. Naging sunod-sunuran kami sa mga layaw mo kahit mali at labag sa kalooban naming. Pero sumosobra ka na talaga! (Sabay suntok sa ama)

BADONG:      Kaya mo naba buto mo? (Gumanti ng suntok)
ANITA:            Tama na anu ba!

            Kinuha ni Gab ang upuan at hinampas kay Badong at nawalan ito ng malay. Sa lakas ng pag kakahampas nito ay nasira ang upuan at duguan ang kanyang ama. Pinilit ni Badong ibangon ang sarili ngunit di nya ito nagawa dahil sa paulit ulit na pag tadyak ni Gab at pagkatapos ay nag dali-dali itong kumuha ng kutsilyo sa kusina sabay tinutok sa ama. Ngunit di man nagawang patayin ang kanyang ama dahil sa kanyang kaibaitan at kahit papaanoy pagmamahal para sa ama kahit na sila ay pinamamalupitan nito. Matapos ang pangyayaring iyon ay kinasuhan at ipinakulong si Gab ng kanyang ama.

            Ika tatlong araw palang ni Gab noon sa bilangguan noong akala nya ay palalayain na sya dahil may gusto daw sakanyang kumausap na Opisyal ng militar.

MAJOR:         Gusto mo bang makita ulit ang iyong Inay?
GAB:               Gustong gusto ho! Gagawin ko ang lahat, palayain nyo lang po ako dito.

MAJOR:         Kapag pumayag ka sa gusto ko, makakasama mo na ang pamilya mo sa loob ng dalawang taon.
GAB:               Bakit po dalawang taon?

MAJOR:         Dahil ikaw at iba pang mga preso na akin mismong pinili ay sasabak sa isang puspusang training upang maging isang alagad ng gobyerno.
GAB:               Lahat po ng gusto no gagawi ko po. Kahit mag sundalo pa ako.

MAJOR:         Hindi lang basta basta isang sundalo, kayo ay magiging isang espesyal na grupo na lilipon ng mga kaaway sa Vietnam. Pumirma ka lang dito at garantisado na ang pagkakataon mong makapiling ang iyong ina.
GAB:               Maraming salamat po. (Pumirma ng kasunduan)

            Lumipas ang isang taon ng paghahanda ni Gab, panibagong araw nanaman at mas matinding pagod ang kanyang haharapin. Habang nakapila sa kanilang pormasyon nakita nya ang kanyang mga kasamahan nya na pinahihirapan dahil sa pagtangkang tumakas.

GAB:               Kaya pala nag alarma.
KENNETH:    Sarap panaman ng tulog ko, napaginipan ko ang asawa ko.

GAB:               Isang taon na lang pre, konting tiis na lang at makakasama na natin ang mga pamilya natin. Tiwala lang.

            Nakita at naramdaman ni Kenneth ang damdamin ni Gab. Lalong nagkaroon sya ng nais para mag pursigi at magtiis.

KENNETH: Tama ka pre, kaya natin to. Magtulungan tayo. Salamat.

            Lumipas pa ulit ang isang taon, araw na para sila ay ipadala sa gyera. Lahat sila ay handa na lumayag sakay sa tatlong raft boats. Upang di mahalata ang kanilang gagawing ambush sa base ng kalaban. Di nag tagal ay pinahayo na sila ni Major Cariaso, subalit di pa man sila gaanong nakakalayo ay nilapitan siya ng isang sundalo upang ipagbigay alam na nililiban na ang pag sugod ng kanilang grupo sa Vietnam. Nag karipos sina Sgt. Jugs at Sgt. Teddy (ang mga katiwala ni Major Cariaso) na habulin ang grupo at pigilin sila sa paglayag patungong Vietnam.

SGT. JUGS:   Itigil nyo ang paglalayag at bumalik kayo sa kampo ngayon din!
                        (Napa tigil ang mga presong sundalo)
GAB:               Bakit kami titigil? Sa akala nyo bang mas malakas ang kalaban? Handa na kami, kaya naming ito. Kaya kami nagpakahirap ng dalawang taon para sa araw na to, di kami aatras.

SGT. JUGS: Inuutusan ko kayo! Mag sibalik kayo ang mag assemble sa kampo!
GAB:               Hindi kami babalik! Mga kasama! Sagwan, sagwan! Lumaban tayo para sa pamilya natin!

SGT. JUGS: Hangal! Kailangan mo muna ng permiso sa taas bago gumawa ng hakbang!
GAB:               Hindi ako nagbuhos ng dugo’t pawis para lamang umatras. Mga kapatid! Sagwan para sa laban! Sagwan lang, makikita na natin ang ating mga minamahal pagkatapos nating manalo! Sagwan! Sagwan lang! (Naimpluwensyahan nya ang kanyang mga kasama na sumagwan)

SGT. JUGS: Sinabing iliban ang paglayag! (Hinawakan ang Machine Gun at itinutok sa mga Bangka ng mga presong sundalo, inawat naman ito ni Sgt. Teddy dahil baka tamaan ang mga presong sundalo.)

Hindi natuloy ang plano ng elite na grupo ni Major Cariaso dahil sa kinansela ng Presidente ang misyon at iniutos pa nito ang pagligpit sa grupo. Tulala si Major Cariaso sa order ng president na iligpit ang kanyang pinahirapang grupo ng dalawang taon. Ngunit wala syang magawa dahil kung hindi nya gagawin ay ang president mismo ang mag uutos ng ibang sundalo na lusubin at linisin ang kampo nila. Sa isip ni Major Cariaso ay hindi nya kayang gawin ang pinagagawa sakanya, kaya umiisip sya ng paraan para di masayang ang kanyang mga idea para sa pagkapanalo sa gyera at misyon. Inutusan nya si Gab para ikuha sya ng maiinom ng tubig, pagkatapos noon ay pinapasok nya sina Sgt. Jugs at Sgt. Teddy para sa kanilang opinyon sa utos ng presidente. Habang naguusap ang tatlo sa opisina ay nakikinig sa pintuan ng di napapansin si gab. Doon nya nalaman na kaya pala sya pinakuha ng tubig para marinig ang mga mangyayari.

SGT. JUGS:   Masasayang lahat ng pinaghirapan natin! Di ako makakapayag!
MAJOR:         Wala tayong magagawa, utos ito ng presidente dapat natin iligpit ang grupo kung hindi ay lilipunin tayo kasama ng mga presong sundalo.

SGT. JUGS:   Anung gagawin natin? Bakit mo kami pinatawag?
MAJOR:         Gusto kong kayong dalawa ang mag desisyon, kaya ka ko kayo pinatawag.

SGT.TEDDY:Gusto mong patayin naming ang mga hinubog naming ng dalawang taon?
SGT.JUGS:    Wala ka nang magagawa. Kailangan natin silang ligpitin kundi tayo ang dehado.

SGT.TEDDY:Hindi! Ayoko. Aalis na lang ako kesa pumatay.
SGT. JUGS:   Ayos lang din naman dahil mga preso din naman sila na nakasentensya ng panghabang buhay na pagkabilanggo.

SGT.TEDDY:Hindi makatarungan ang pagpatay! Aalis na ako.

            Umalis si Sgt.Teddy sa isla habang nakasaludo sa kanya ang mga kanyang mga preso. Pinaalam ni Gab ang mga narinig nya sa mga kasamahan nya.

GAB:               Dapat na tayong lumaban di tama ang gagawin nila satin.
KENNETH:    Tama si Gab, kung hindi ay papatayin tayo.

GAB:               Kelangan nating gawin ang lahat para makita ang mga mahal natin sa buhay. At ang tanging paraan lang ay ang paglusob natin sa Vietnam!

            Bago pa man makagawa ng aksyon si Sgt. Jugs ay napalibutan na sila ng mga presong sundalo. Ngunit lumaban pa din hanggang sa huli kahit na sila ay walang laban dahil sila ay napalibutan na nga. Ganun pa man ay may mga namatay padin sa kanila.

KENNETH:    Ano na ang gagawin natin?
GAB:               Pupuntahan  natin ang presidente!
            Sakay ng pampasahero bus na kanilang hinarang sa daan, naglalakbay na ang mga preso patungo sa presidente.

BATA:             Huhuhu. Mama, natatakot ako.
NANAY:          Shh. Wag kang umiyak, tumahimik ka baka barilin tayo. (Takot na takot)

GAB:               Wag po kayong mag alala, wala po kaming balak na saktan kayo, ang nais laman namin ay makarating sa opisina ng presidente.

            Ngunit napansin nila na may harang sa kalsada, yun pala ay mga armadong mga sundalo na nag aabang sa kanila. Walang takot ang namuo sa mga puso ng mga preso, dumiretso sila at pinasok ang harang na barakadang gawa ng mga sundalo. Hanggang sa isang banda na napahinto na lang ang bus dahil sa patuloy na pag baril ng mga sundalo. Pinababa ni Gab ang mga pasaherong naka sakay sa bus. Sugatan na din ang ilan sa mga kasamahan nila at sila na ay lubhang sugatan. Doon ay nawalan na ng pag-asa ang mga preso.

GAB:               Maming salamat sa pagsamasama natin, kung hindi dahil sa pag tutulungan natin ay di tayo makakarating dito. Wala na tayong takas at malamang hahatulan din tayo ng kamatayan pagkatapos dito kaya mas marangal na dito na lang natin wakasan ang ating mga buhay. Isulat natin sa bus na ito ang mga mensahe natin sa ating mga pinakamamahal mula sa ating sariling dugo.

            Nagpakamatay ang mga sundalo sa tabi nga mga kani-kanilang mga sulat para sa kanilang pamilya, asawa at kaibigan.